May 18, 2022
Temple St. Clair Opens Saks Fifth Avenue Boutique
The shop offers a range of limited edition and one-of-a-kind high pieces along with the brand’s variety of fine jewelry, including Temple St. Cair rock crystal amulets and Celestial and Tree of Life collections.
In homage to the boutique’s original Florence, Italy flagship, the new location is decorated with Florentine chairs and an Italian marble table. In addition, the store includes a library wall inspired by the designer’s studio in New York’s SoHo neighborhood, carrying the brand’s original coffee table books as well as books on art, astronomy and mythology.
The shop also features a digital window which displays a view into the brand’s Florence store.
Founded in 1986, the brand’s namesake designer Temple St. Clair grew up in Virginia and lived in Florence from the ages of 19 to 30, where she studied Italian literature and language. Her jewelry designs are frequently inspired by myths and classic literature, and often retail between $1,000 and $25,000.
In the same year the brand was established, Temple St. Clair became the first fine jeweler to be represented and carried by Barneys New York. The brand is sold throughout North America, Europe and Japan.
This article was originally posted in VMAN:,David%20Webb%20Opens%20Shop%20at%20The%20Newly,Floor%20at%20Saks%20Fifth%20Avenue&text=David%20Webb%2C%20The%20Quintessential%20American,has%20worked%20on%20the%20project